Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Patient Volume Doubled Without Meeting and Feeding Doctors!

Our practice is located in the New York City area. There is practically a physical therapy clinic on every corner and less than one mile from one of our sites is a hospital with its own rehab group.

The Queens clinic was established thirteen years ago under a different name. I was one of the six partners. After seven years in practice we all decided to split up and go on our separate ways. My wife and I stayed at the Queens location and changed the name of the practice. We opened a second clinic in Huntington about two years ago.

Our patient volume was pretty decent. We were seeing 200-250 patient visits a week for both clinics but we wanted more. Our business came from doctor referrals and word of mouth. I wasn’t going out knocking on doors, but kind of sitting and waiting for doctors to give us patients. Our patient visits were high some weeks and low on other weeks – kind of like a rollercoaster. I wanted to go out and knock on doors but I was so afraid to.

I decided that we needed help with patient growth. My wife and I went to two management consulting companies before finding out about Measurable Solutions. We attended the first company that offered seminars but we didn’t buy any products. We enrolled in the second company for years, but we didn’t see any results. It took five years to pay them -- we actually just finished paying them off.

I was skeptical whether Measurable Solutions would work or not as this was our third time seeking help. I had to convince my wife that we should give them a try as I really wanted new patients and to increase my patient load. I liked the fact that Measurable Solutions had a system designed to get you new patients without you having to leave your practice. That was the selling point for me. I didn’t want to waste my time going out visiting doctors.

We did The New Patient Course in September and started the Executive Training in December of last year. We implemented what we had learned and within six months saw tremendous growth. The Executive Training gave us certainty in running our practice and steady expansion. With Measurable Solutions we made enough money to be able to pay for the training within a few months.

When my wife and I first started the Queens clinic we had 8 staff. We now have 12 staff (clinician and clerical) and we are hiring more people. Our volume is now 350-380 patient visits a week for both clinics which is close to double.

Measurable Solutions’ system is done step-by-step, on a gradient so it is easier to follow. We are not out on our own in the jungle. We have a nice support system that understands our practice and what is going on and so we’re never at a loss.

The Executive Training helps us tremendously. It gives me understanding of how to run and organize my company and free up some of my time and teach me how to delegate some of my responsibilities to other people. It also helps my wife free up her time and we just follow the system and everything seems to fall into place. The stats go up and we are very pleased about it.
Our staff are getting bonuses, which they are very excited about. They are more motivated and working together as a team. It has turned the whole office around.

The goal is to free up my time totally by next year. That is the goal. I want to be able to have the company run by itself and step away completely. We are already enrolled in a Measurable Solutions program to attain this.

Lino Chuang, Owner

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This Course Offered Far More Than Was Advertised

The New Patients Course has been everything I was looking for and offered far more than what was advertised. With all the ideas spinning in my head on how to grow our practice, this course put them in order and has prepared us to implement a logical, sequential and proven method to begin using immediately. Thank you for helping us along our journey to a busier clinic and improved lifestyle!

Jeff Kitchen, Owner

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A Physician Called Me and Asked for My Information!

Two weeks ago I began doing the New Patients Course. Last night I got a phone call from an orthopedic surgeon out of Boston and he stated that he had been looking for a good therapist in my area because he sees many patients from here. He told me that he wanted me to send him my business cards and script pad and told me he would be sending me patients as soon as he received them. This was the first time in the three years since I started my practice that a physician called me and asked me for my information as opposed to me always dropping stuff at their offices with little effect most of the time.

Brendan Carman, Owner

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Do The New Patient Course!

CONSIDER THIS: Should The New Patient Course increase your volume by just one new patient, you would have paid for the course and travel expenses.

BOTTOM LINE: If you keep doing what you're doing, you're going to keep getting what you've got. Call 1-800-491-2828 and register for The New Patient Course!

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

We Continue to Grow Despite the Economy

I have a growing physical therapy practice in Howell, New Jersey and I want to share my success with you. My wife and I opened our practice in 2002. The first two years were tough. We worked crazy hours and always struggled with keeping new referrals flowing. It all changed in October of 2004 when we attended the New Patient Course at Measurable Solutions.

Two months after we took the course we doubled the number of patient visits and had to hire more staff. Before we took the New Patient Course we had a part-time receptionist, a part-time PTA and a part-time aide. Now we have a staff of 15 equalling 10 full-time equivalents and keep growing despite the economy and all the curve balls Medicare and a generally worsening health insurance crisis throws at us.

What we learned from the New Patient Course is a system that allows us to stay causative in our relationships with referral sources and continue to grow and prosper. It also helps us to educate the public on the value of our profession and I know that you will agree that this is what we need if we want to become the independent providers of choice.

Measurable Solutions has been an invaluable resource for us in managing and expanding our practice. I can honestly say that stepping through their doors in 2004 changed my life both personally and professionally.

Michael Sheynin, Co-Owner

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Our Numbers Have Doubled

We took the New Patient Course in January. Since then our numbers have doubled. We also found out that our collections per patient were approximately half of what we assumed they were. We have now brought our collections up also! Since our success with the New Patient Course we are excited to start our Executive Training and numbers up even higher.

Mandi Schultz, Owner

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Our Patient Visits Increased 1 1/2 Times

After doing the New Patient Course we have increased our patient visits 1 1/2 times already. We have also started to look at every aspect of the business more critically and are beginning to understand how to look at the statistics that will improve the business. We hope to continue to learn more from Measurable Solutions to make great strides.

Jai Dighe, Co-Owner

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The Course is Proven Successful

I came to this course in hopes of learning a specific, appropriate marketing plan. I will leave this course with it. I leave with confidence that the program is based upon solid data, appropriate mediums and is proven successful. Thanks.

Randy Vincek, Owner

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

We Got Just What They Advertised - Patients Out The Wazoo!

We received invitations from Measurable Solutions to come to their New Patient Course for a few years. We would keep the advertisement on the desk for a few weeks and then forget about it. In February we got another ad for the New Patient Course and decided they had been around for awhile, maybe they have something we should try, especially since our patient load was slowly decreasing. In March we attended the course and began using their ideas. WOW! Within just a few weeks and only partially implementing the program we saw an increase in new patients. In just 5 months we have consistently increased our new patients and our number of referring physicians. All the previous ideas we tried to get patients and communicate with doctors were not getting the results we saw in just a few weeks of applying the information we received at the Measurable Solutions New Patient Course. We got just what they advertised - Patients out the Wazoo!

Glenn Decker, Owner

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We Doubled In Volume Two Years In A Row

I attended the New Patient Course in March of 2004. Honestly, I was very skeptical and did not enter the course with the best attitude. I thought I had been doing everything that I could to market my practice and I had been taken advantage of by a consulting company in the past. At that time, I was working 70 hours per week seeing patients and I was so discouraged by the "roller coaster" of being busy one week and slow the next that I was seriously considering leaving the profession completely. On the first day, I sat in the back of the room--easier to make a quick escape. But by the second day, I was sitting in the front row so I wouldn't miss anything. I just knew from the beginning of the course that the program would work in my practice because it was vastly different than anything I had heard before. I implemented the New Patient Course as soon as I got home, and started my executive training one month later.
We began to see an increase in new patient volume within a few weeks (and this was after being in practice for more than 14 years). I implemented every program I learned in my executive program and began to manage my practice solely based upon statistics. I reorganized my practice and worked to sort out the duties of my staff and hold them responsible for production. Surprisingly, they seemed to appreciate the structure and accountability. By the end of the first year, we had doubled in volume and had opened a fourth clinic. I was no longer carrying a patient load at all and my stress level had dropped considerably. I was actually excited about the prospects of future growth. By the end of the second year we had doubled in size again, and I had completed every course that Measurable Solutions had to offer. I loved it so much that I became licensed as a practice consultant so that I could help other practice owners expand.

Robert Jordan, Owner

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Do The New Patient Course!

Consider this: Should The New Patient Course increase your volume by just one new patient, you would have paid for the course and travel expenses.

BOTTOM LINE: If you keep doing what you're doing, you're going to keep getting what you've got. Call 1-800-491-2828 and register for The New Patient Course!

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My Practice Took Off Like A Rocket

I wanted to open my own practice, but while running a small practice for a large corporation and seeing how hard it is to make ends meet, I was afraid. I met Measurable Solutions in the exhibition hall of an APTA meeting. I wasn’t ready, but they called and mailed and called until I finally decided to have a look. I have never looked back. After seeing other physical therapists skyrocketing graphs on the wall at Measurable Solutions I decided that that was what I wanted. With them by my side I knew I could not fail. Not only did I not fail, my practice took off like a rocket!

I had successfully opened two start-up clinics for two different corporations. Let’s compare my growth using the New Patient Course versus my growth marketing “some other way.” In the first case we hired a second physical therapist after 2 years, in the second case we hired a second physical therapist after 1 year. In both cases the CEO’s were happy with the rate of growth. The corporation in the latter example should know what is good since they have experience with over 300 small clinics nationwide, right? Well they ain’t seen nothing. Had they known what Measurable Solutions knows and had implemented the New Patient Course or at least had known what type of results were possible, the corporate heads would never have been pleased with my results!!

Flash forward to opening my own clinic using the New Patient course. I hired my second PT in 3 months! My third PT after 7 months! Now during “this difficult economy” I am still hiring and growing. I love how my own personal economy is indifferent to the nation!

It is great how Measurable Solutions is always there when I have a question or problem. They have the experience to know what is happening, the tools to handle it, and the guts to speak up and give strong advice.

If you mean what you say, and you want to open a clinic for yourself or just get your current clinic rocking, then look no further, you have found the solution.

My best wishes to you and yours for a prosperous physical therapy practice and lots of happy patients.

Dr. Lisa J. Allen, Owner

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We Are In Control Of Our Referral Destiny

In the middle of last year, we received the bad news that one of our good friends, and major referral sources (approximately 30% of our business), was leaving town. In light of the bad news, we decided we had to do something – after all, we had a responsibility to our employees we made promises to. We decided that we would do more marketing.

Tony, my partner, came up with a plan and started the usual meet and feed the doctors to get their referrals. It didn’t take long before he discovered this wasn’t as effective as we had hoped. Lo and behold here came the postcard, “Have new patients out the wazoo!!” Needless to say, this sparked our interest.

We made a couple of phone calls to Measurable Solutions and it sounded good but, being the skeptic that I am I asked for some references, which they gladly gave me. The references were more than please to talk with me and spoke so highly of the programs that we decided to attend the New Patient Course in Clearwater, Florida. While doing this course we gained the tools we needed to go home and start implementing which improved our efficiency in getting patient referrals. Upon arriving from our trip my partner and I began the implementation of the New Patient Course and we started seeing results. We were hitting new highs in our clinic without having to hire and new staff. It has been a small passing of time since our friend/referral source left our town and we just hit our highest ever on patient visits last week! I must say that I was skeptical that this would happen, despite the fact that Measurable Solutions told us it would. Now I feel we are in control of our referral destiny. I have never felt more confident in my clinic. My quality of life has improved greatly since coming to Measurable Solutions. Thank you.

John Woodard, Owner

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We Have Had Referrals From Doctors We Have Never Even Heard Of!

Our practice is in a competitive market where there are lots of physical therapy facilities in our area. Before we did The New Patient Course, when we had time, we would try to get out in front of the doctors but found that we were hindered by front office staff.

We did The New Patient Course for our OT practice and then added a new location for physical therapy in January, and have as a practice more than doubled our patient visits within a 9 month time period.

Immediately upon implementing The New Patient Course, I was excited to hear that one particular referral source was very enthusiastic about our method of getting the word out about the services we provide. He made a point of mentioning it to me and as a result sent us several referrals whereas in the past this would have never had occurred with face-to-face marketing. We have had referrals come from doctors that we have never even heard of!

The New Patient Course provides a unique method of showing the doctor that you are his physical therapist of choice and hands down you provide the best service. In a competitive market, this is very important. The New Patient Course gives you consistent results so there is no drop in patient visits.

Lisa Harris and Amy Rohsner, Owners

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A Different Approach to Meeting and Feeding Doctors

Within 3 to 4 months after doing The New Patient Course we had an increase of 30-40 patient visits per week and by March we were doing about 110 patient visits a week. Then, by May, we needed more staff. The biggest obstacle we had to overcome was that we ran out of space and had to expand - we were literally busting out at the seams.

We would tell other Physical Therapy Practice Owners that may be thinking about doing the New Patient Course ….Do it, do it, do it. If you want your practice to grow and want a different approach to meeting, feeding and greeting doctors, then this course is just invaluable.

After our first few Executive Training courses our statistics went even higher and that’s when we knew that this was going to help us achieve our ideal scene. We haven’t even been with Measurable Solutions for a year yet, and here we are, doubling our patient visits, training other people to take over our jobs, and that kind of thing. So you can objectively see the gains you get from doing the New Patient Course and the Executive Training.

Lisa George and Beth Winkler-Schmit, Owners

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We Are the Busiest We Have Been In Many Years!

For the past several years I have experienced a gradual decline in my business. The proliferation of Physician Owned Physical Therapy clinics and therapist owned clinics in my general area had resulted in less and less referrals. I took the New Patient Course in the beginning of December 2006 and immediately implemented the program. Within 5 weeks we began to see a steady increase in the number of referrals, and now we are the busiest we have been in many years. For the first time in a long time I am excited and hopeful about the future of my physical therapy ractice.

Chris Spryer, Owner

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Our Patient Visits Have Increased by 270%

I started my first outpatient physical therapy clinic in June 2002, in a small town outside of San Antonio, TX. My partner John joined the practice in September 2003 and assisted in opening an additional clinic in the San Antonio medical center. Initially, new patients were coming in the door because of our good relationships with the area doctors; however, we often found ourselves working over 80 hours per week, seeing patients during the week and working nights and weekends to catch up on “administrative” tasks. Additionally, we found that as we got busier, we were not able to get out and do any marketing, causing our patient load to fall. As our numbers fell, we were able to get out and knock on doors but were frustrated at the thought that we had to become caterers to doctors in the area in order to increase our business. Nonetheless, our numbers would rise again forcing us back in the clinic to treat. Over time, our patient visits looked like a roller coaster and we were working ourselves into the ground.

We first heard about Measurable Solutions through their mail outs, but did not sign up for the new patient course until after receiving numerous letters. We went to The New Patient Course in July 2004 and were a little unsure as to how well the program would work once we got back. Despite our skepticism, we realized that we could not continue to work at the same pace and hope to have any quality of life. We also realized that we were missing an effective administrative structure and that most of the responsibilities were falling back on the owners, despite the fact that we were treating patients over 12 hours a day. Consequently, we signed up for the Administrative Courses in hopes that we could learn how to set up an effective administrative structure and executive staff to help us run our business, while also decreasing the number of hours we were working. After completing the New Patient Course in July, we quickly returned to begin working on the Management Technology Courses in August. Because we were already working long hours, understaffed and faced some staff resistance to implementing the technology, we did not incorporate all the technology as quickly or as completely as we should have initially. Despite slow progress in getting everything implemented, each time we “added a piece to the puzzle” we saw immediate growth. Finally, we realized that we just had to make the decision that we were going to get our top executives trained and fully implement the technology that we had learned from Measurable Solutions. We also realized that because we thought the process of getting everyone trained and the technology implemented was going to be a long one, that WE were making it a longer and more difficult process than it actually was.

Since finishing our course work at Measurable Solutions, our patient visits have increased by over 270%. We have also added a satellite clinic, bought land for future growth and are now treating less than 10 hours per week (by our choice and love for the profession, not because we have to). Interestingly, we have also found that our patient visits actually increase more when we are not in the clinic because we are truly able to run our business in a more effective manner. Currently, we are spending more time planning for the future growth and viability of our company, while allowing our staff to run the daily operations. It is a great feeling to have our life back and to know that our practice can run independently with, or without us being present.

Chad Elms, Owner

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